Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Totally outsmarted the internet again!!! It took me longer this time, but my perseverance, patience and hardheadedness won out, bitches! I am awesome. I also have a lot of random gmail accounts I didn't even know I had.  So, new name, new design, new attitude, new pair of shoes. No, not really a new pair of shoes, but close enough! There's still going to be lots of fuck yeahs, lots of GDs and a whole bunch of totallys on this here blog. I'm determined to keep this one up. I keep coming back, so that's got to say something about...well, me, I suppose. I'm a mess. But, I never give up.  Ok, I do. Let's see how long this lasts. Night!

OH!! Major announcement alert. I got a GD hammock!! Fuck yeah! It's awesome and I haven't flipped it of it even once!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

GD passwords and forgotten email addresses!!

So, totally ditched this blog in October. But I warned you!! Finally decided to post some more random shit on here and lo and behold (yeah, I said lo and behold), I can't remember the GD email I signed up with! I only have about 5 different gmail accounts, 3 or 4 yahoo accounts and various other random ones I use to sign up for random crap (read: porn) around the inter webs. But, I outsmarted the stupid internet and figured it out! And here I am!

FYI - totally fucking forgot what the hell I was going to blog about tonight.

Fuck. Yeah.