Leave it to me to state the obvious, right. Well, I'll start off by saying that in today's economy, I am very lucky to have a good paying job with good insurance and blah blah blah. Right, I get that. Some people don't have jobs and when they did they had to walk up hill both ways through snow to get to it! So, I'm blessed.
Doesn't mean I have to love it, amiright?
Because right now, I sorta don't. I've been here for over a decade and haven't always been happy with decisions that were made, but I tolerated them and believed they were made in the best interest of the office, yada yada. Well, that's pretty much gone out the window with the new leadership we have. The morale in the office is for shit and no one seems to really care. So unfortunate. I was hoping to retire here. Cuz I'm old. And grumpy. And so ready to retire.
All that being said, there is one thing I do love about my job. My co-workers who I also fondly call friends, and sometimes Stupid. Oh who I am kidding...that last one's pretty much all of the time. There's a little group of us that hang out and bitch and moan about work :) It's great! And refreshing! And much needed, sadly. Just had the best conversation with one of them.
Co-worker: I read online you can get carpal tunnel in your knees!
Me: Duh! Carpal tunnel doesn't translate to "wrist only owwies". But, really, who types with their knees anymore!
Co-worker: Well, at home...
Me: ...what you do at home is your own business, lady!
Here I go, being blessed again. I need a tissue! And maybe a margarita. That should get me through to retirement.
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